Technological Perspective on Human‑aware Navigation Algorithms

Perspectives on Human‑aware Navigation
International Conference on Social Robotics
Madrid, 26 November 2019



  • Increasing number of factors to consider
  • Increasing code complexity


  • Wouldn't ML be easier and more cost-efficient?
  • Do humans consider factors unknowingly? (people might be unaware of other factors)

Not any ML algorithm is enough!

  • Heterogeneous: many factors
  • A variable number of people
  • A variable environment, including objects
  • A variable number of interactions
  • A variable number of types of interactions
  • Indeterminately complex & structured relationships

ML: Handcrafted features?

  • Variables considered: we can let ML learn to select
  • How to come up with features for the previous data?
    • A variable number of people
    • A variable environment, including objects
    • A variable number of interactions
    • A variable number of types of interactions
    • Indeterminately complex & structured relationships

ML: End-to-end learning?

  • E2E doesn't have some the mentioned problems
  • They have other problems
    • Huge amounts of data
    • Computation resources(especially but not only for training)
    • How to deal with structured data?

Graph Neural Networks

Function approximators which take graphs as input

Graph Neural Networks for
Human-aware Navigation

  • Improve accuracy of other ML algorithms
  • Improve scalability(how can we increase the number of variables to consider?)

Graph Neural Networks for
Human-aware Navigation

  • Model proxemics / inconvenience
  • Predict people's movements
  • Control robot's movements
  • Detect & predict behaviours/events

SocNav1 Tool

  • The idea of the dataset
  • Screenshot
  • Labelled scenarios: 9280
  • Limitations
    • Humans are static
    • One type of interaction
    • We are told "how people think they would feel"

SocNav1 Results

SocNav1 Results

Experiment with GNNs & SocNav1 dataset

  • w-r:
  • r-R:
  • h-R:
  • o-R:
  • h-h:
  • h-o:

Social Navigation Graph Neural Network (SNGNN)

SNGNN MSE: 0.03173 (humans 0.02929)

Social Navigation Graph Neural Network (SNGNN)

Results: Personal Spaces & Interactions

  • Personal spaces
  • Interactions

Results: Distance between two interacting people

Results: Impact of walls

Results: Impact of incrementing the number of people in a room

Results: Angle when approaching interacting people

Other works using GNNs

Relational Graph Learning for Crowd Navigation

C. Chen, S. Hu, P. Nikdel, G. Mori, M. Savva
  • Relational Graph Learning for Crowd Navigation. Changan Chen, Sha Hu, Payam Nikdel, Greg Mori, Manolis Savva. arXiv preprint arXiv:1909.13165. 2019.

Learning Human-Object Interactions by Graph Parsing Neural Networks

S. Qi, W. Wang, B. Jia, J. Shen, S.-C. Zhu


  • New dataset
  • We will be hearing more about GNNs(Deep Mind, Google Brain)


Graph Neural Networks:

  • Semi-Supervised Classification with Graph Convolutional Networks. T.N. Kipf, M. Welling. arXiv preprint arXiv:1609.02907. 2017.
  • Relational inductive biases, deep learning, and graph networks. P.W. Battaglia et al.. arXiv preprint arXiv:1806.01261. 2018.


  • Graph Neural Networks for Human-aware Social Navigation. L.J. Manso, R.R. Jorvekar, D.R. Faria, P. Bustos, P. Bachiller. arXiv preprint arXiv:1909.09003. 2019.
  • SocNav1: A Dataset to Benchmark and Learn Social Navigation Conventions. L.J. Manso, P. Nunez, L.V. Calderita, D.R. Faria, P. Bachiller. arXiv preprint arXiv:1909.02993. 2019.
  • Learning Human-Object Interactions by Graph Parsing Neural Networks.S. Qi, W. Wang, B. Jia, J. Shen, S.-C. Zhu. arXiv:1808.07962. 2018.
  • Relational Graph Learning for Crowd Navigation. C. Chen, S. Hu, P. Nikdel, G. Mori, M. Savva. arXiv preprint arXiv:1909.13165. 2019.


Task Planning
Human-aware navigation

Asking for permission & Asking for collaboration